kingdom of iraq (1920 - 1958)
Republic of iraq (1958 - 2003)
Bravery Medal: Instituted 1958 through 2003 with minor changes. Awarded for bravery.
Police Distinguished Service Medal: Instituted in 1958 to replace the other distinguished service medal.
General Service Medal:
Medal of the 14 Ramadan Revolution: Awarded in 1964 to mark the revolution of February 8th, 1963 where General Qasim's government was ousted by the Ba'ath party.
Medal of 17 July 1968 Revolution: Awarded to commemorate the coup that brought the Regional Branch of the Ba'ath party to power.
Mother of All Battles Medal: Awarded after 1991 for heroism during Desert Storm. Unlike the Bravery Medal, there is Arabic script inside the medal.
Wound Medal: Instituted in 1983 and awarded for wounds received in service.
Medal for the Palestine War 1948-1949: Instituted in 1959 and awarded to those who participated in the War against the newly formed state of Israel.
Police General Service Medal: Instituted in 1959 to replace the Kingdom of Iraq Police General Service medal.
Medal of the 18 November 1963: Awarded to commemorate the November 18, 1962 takeover of all powers by General Abed al-Salam Muhammad Arif, Abed al-Rahman Muhammad Arif and Colonel Said Slaibi, creating a new Revolutionary Command Council in Baghdad.
Medal for Peace: Instituted in 1971 and awarded to mark the end of conflict with the Kurds, which started in 1965 with their demand for independence and ended in a settlement on 11 March 1970. It comes in 3 classes: gold, silver, and bronze.
Supreme Worthiness Medal: Instituted after 1991 and was awarded for
Medal of Work:
Medal of the July 14th 1958 Revolution: Instituted in 1964 as a commemoration of the revolution which overthrew the monarchy and replaced it with the Revolutionary Council.
Medal for Crushing the Northern Rebellion: Awarded to those who helped defeat the Kurdish rebellion of 1961 - 1964.
Medal for Cooperation 1967 - 1973 between Iraq and Syria: Has 2 classes, one for enlisted men and one for officers. The officer one has green inlay.
Medal for Arab-Israeli War 1973: awarded for service in the 1973 Yom Kippur War against Israel.
Order of Abdul al-Karim
Instituted in 1958 and discontinued in 1962. Awarded for exceptional service to Iraq. 2 classed for both Civil and Military divisions.
Iraqi order of the two rivers
Under construction