Israeli Used mkii british helmets
The State of Israel, declared on May 14th 1948, was supplied by many different countries during the early days of it's establishment. Britain was one of those countries, and after WW2, they supplied them with surplus British helmets, which were worn from Israel's War of Independence in 1948-1949 until the 6 Day War in 1967. After this point, the MKII helmets were gradually replaced by the Israeli M1 helmet and were not seen much past 1970.
Israeli mkii with medical insignia
This particular MKII is of WW2 era, with its liner being dated 1944. The red Star of David painted on the front is the Israeli equivalent of a Red Cross for medical personnel. This helmet would have been used in the 1948 War of Independence.
israeli tan painted mkii with unknown insignia
Here's another British MKII helmet dated 1941 with a coat of tan paint and an early unit insignia that stands for the Arms Maintenance Corps, a rear unit, which are both Israeli applied. The inside has what appears to be a locally made Israeli liner. The soldier has written his name and serial number on the rim, and research indicates he survived the War of Independence.