Saddam era iraqi green combat uniforms
Since the beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, many different uniforms were worn by the Iraqi Army, and this is the case with these green combat uniforms. Many styles of this uniform exist, and such examples will be shown and explained below.
This specific green combat uniform above has been observed in quite a few photos from the Iran-Iraq War and Desert Storm and is a copy of the West German combat uniform of the time. The design of the uniform does not have exposed buttons on the pockets or where the shirt is buttoned up, which makes it easier to spot in photos.
This green jacket's original owner was a member of the Republican Guard and held the rank of private, evident by the patch below the Republican Guard triangle on the right sleeve. The uniform has evidence of combat wear, and has been hemmed on the back. The RG triangle patches are made of a felt material. |
This green Iraqi uniform is almost identical to the first one pictured. It has the same style of pockets and seams, but it is slightly different. Firstly, the material is more coarse and heavy, and the tags are different. This style of uniform has been observed in photos from the Iran Iraq War. This uniform was a bringback from Desert Storm.
This uniform is also in the exact same style as the one above, with a few subtle differences. First off, the uniform is made of a more synthetic material which is smooth to the touch. Secondly, the tag present in this uniform sports the iraqi jihm property stamp with "Popular Army" written in arabic inside, showing that this uniform was specifically contracted for the Iraqi Popular Army, but would have been issued to the regular Iraqi Army as well. The tag also denotes the manufacturer as "Hyundai Corp" which is based in South Korea.
One of the more rarer patterns of the Iraqi green uniform is pictured above. It is essentially the exact same pattern as all of the concealed button uniforms with the exception of two strips running down the bottom half of the jacket. This addition is a direct copy of a West German uniform style from the 1980s. Both pieces have a washed out white tag.
This interesting green combat uniform was contracted for the Iraqi Popular Army in the 1980's, evident by the tag present on it, but was used by a member of the Iraqi Republican Guard. It was not an uncommon occurrence for uniforms to get into the hands of other units. Notably, this uniform buttons up on the opposite side than regular uniforms, denoting it as made for women. The buttons are exposed on the piece, but it is not considered a dress style uniform.
This uniform has exposed buttons with corner cut breast pockets and an earlier tag dating from the 1980s.
Nearly identical in features and construction as the uniform next to it, save for slightly longer pockets, slightly different buttons, darker color, and a loop on the inside collar.
Once again, this is near identical to the uniforms above except for different tag.